Thursday, February 25, 2010

Re: Syntax matching CUDA kernel calls

On Feb 24, 10:41 am, Gregor Uhlenheuer <>
> I don't know if that's exactly what you are searching for but it could
> be a start:
> syn region CKI matchgroup=CK start=/</ end=/>/ contains=ALLBUT,CK
> " now you can assign two different colors for the inner/outer match
> hi def link CK Comment
> hi def link CKI Constant

Ah ha! That both does work and doesn't work! It turns out I need to
define that (or anything else related to this) *after* all the other
definitions. I based my CUDA Fortran syntax file on the Fortran syntax
file. And this rule was being overwhelmed by rules later.

Thanks, Gregor!


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