Sunday, March 28, 2010

Re: How to define a command only available for a certain filetype.

Am 28.03.2010 09:48, schrieb vfantasie:
> Hi everyone!
> I want to define a command only available for a certain filetype, for
> example cpp filetype:
> 1. The command is available when the current buffer is cpp filetype.
> 2. The command is undefined if I didn't open cpp file, or the current
> buffer is not cpp filetype.
> Because I want this command invisiable if it not wanted.
> 3. The suffix of C++ file can be .cc .cPP .CPP .Cpp .h ..... The
> command should be available all kind of cpp files.
> How to do this? Many thanks in advance.

Edit your
script [1] and add a command with a -buffer modifier:
:command! -buffer ... CmdName ...
:h :com

Then the command will only be available local to the buffer.
(in case you wonder: there is no "local to the filetype" concept).

"cpp" in "cpp.vim" is the name of the filetype that Vim detects,
others may know better what will apply for your case.

[1] e.g. ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/cpp.vim (check your 'rtp' setting), you
may have to create the "after" and "ftplugin" directories first.


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