Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Re: How to temporarily change Cursor color and change back

fun! <sid>HiList()
redir => a | sil hi | redir end

let a=substitute(a, '\n\s\+', ' ', 'g')
let b=split(a,'\n')
call map(b, 'split(v:val, ''\s\+'')[0]')
if exists("g:items")
unlet g:items
let g:items=[]
for val in b
call add(g:items, <sid>Hi(val))

fun! Hi(...)
let s:attr = {}
let s:attr1 = {'bold' : 0, 'italic': 0, 'reverse': 0, 'inverse': 0, 'underline': 0, 'undercurl': 0 , 'standout':0}
let s:query = ['fg', 'bg', 'sp', 'bold', 'italic', 'reverse', 'underline', 'undercurl', 'standout', 'font']

for key in s:query
for mode in ['term', 'cterm', 'gui']
if !empty(synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:1)), key, mode))
if key =~ 'fg\|bg' || (key=='sp' && mode=='gui')
let s:attr[mode . key]=synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:1)), key, mode)
elseif key=='font' && mode=='gui'
let s:attr[key]=synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:1)), key, mode)
let s:attr1[mode . key] = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:1)), key, mode)

if has("gui_running")
let cmode='gui'
let cmode='cterm'

for mode in ['term', 'cterm', 'gui']
if get(s:attr1, mode . 'italic') ||
\ get(s:attr1, mode . 'bold') ||
\ get(s:attr1, mode . 'reverse') ||
\ get(s:attr1, mode . 'underline') ||
\ get(s:attr1, mode . 'standout') ||
\ get(s:attr1, mode . 'undercurl')

let s:attr[mode] = get(s:attr1, mode . 'italic', '') ? 'italic,' : ''
let s:attr[mode] .= get(s:attr1, mode . 'bold', '') ? 'bold,' : ''
let s:attr[mode] .= get(s:attr1, mode . 'reverse', '') ? 'reverse,' : ''
let s:attr[mode] .= get(s:attr1, mode . 'underline', '') ? 'underline,' : ''
let s:attr[mode] .= get(s:attr1, mode . 'standout', '') ? 'standout,' : ''
let s:attr[mode] .= get(s:attr1, mode . 'undercurl', '') ? 'undercurl' : ''

let out='hi ' . a:1
for item in items(s:attr)
"if item[1] >=0
let out .= printf(" %s=%s", item[0], item[1])
let out=substitute(out, ',\(\s\|$\)', ' ' , 'g')
if len(split(out, '\s\+')) == 2
let out=substitute(out, '^hi', '& clear', '')
" echo out

return out

fun! <sid>SortLines()
" %s/^hi //ge
" %s/\s\+xxx//ge
let lines=getline(1,'$')
let i=1
for line in lines
let word=split(line, '\s\+')
let sort=[ word[0] ] + sort(word[1:])
call setline(i, join(sort))
let i+=1

"com! -nargs=1 -complete=highlight HI :call <sid>Hi(<q-args>)
"com! HIList :call <sid>HiList()
"com! CleanUp :call <sid>SortLines()
Hi pansz!

On Do, 04 Mär 2010, pansz wrote:

> Script can use highlight command to change color, however, if a script
> meant to change one color temporarily, it has no knowledge about the
> previous setting.
> 1. the :hi Cursor is defined by my color scheme.
> 2. now in some case a script change the cursor color to indicate a
> special mode.
> 3. when the mode ends, the script want to change the Cursor back but it
> has no knowledge about what is the highlight of Cursor defined by user's
> color scheme.
> Any work around? Thanks for all.

Try the attached script. I was written quick and dirty fr a similar
issue on this list. It already queries the font attribute, though this
only works with a patched vim, currently.

To return the Cursor highlight, you can then issue:
:let a=Hi("Cursor")
and have all attributes of Cursor in the variable a. To restore the
attributes simply exe the variable a.

The other functions are there to return all available hi groups
(HiLIst()) and SortLines is a debuging function for me to be able to
compare the output from HiList() with a manual list I created using
redir|hi|redir end
You probably won't need it, but I leave it there anyway.


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