> After installing gVim and running gvim from the run window, if I were
> to type :cd followed by a tab, I will get \AppData, \Application Data,
> etc. Which basically means I'm at my $HOME directory (C:\Users
> \Fabian). The weird thing is I do not have a \Application Data folder
> there.
> But if I were to run gvim.exe from its installation folder, and I
> type :cd followed by tab, I would get \autoload, \colors, etc. which
> means I'm at the installation folder.
> And if I were to pin gvim.exe on to taskbar, upon launch and
> typing :cd then tab, I will get \Dictionaries and upon hitting tab
> again I get a beep.
> I think for the last scenario, I'm at some Adobe folder. Anybody knows
> how to fix this weird issue? I'd like to pin it to taskbar and upon
> launch, start in the $HOME directory (C:\Users\Fabian).
If you run [g]vim by invoking it at the command prompt (be it the prompt
of a Unix shell such as sh, ash, bash, csh, tcsh, ksh, zsh, ... or of a
Dos/Windows shell like command.com, cmd.exe, ndos.com, 4nt.exe, ...), it
inherits whichever directory was current when you typed the command.
If you run it by clicking a desktop or system-tray icon, then either the
icon properties specify a starting directory (and you get that) or they
don't (and you can get anything).
Best regards,
### Hiroshima 45, Chernobyl 86, Windows 95 ###
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