Saturday, May 1, 2010

Re: Left-align after separator on status line?

On 2010-04-30, Nathan Neff wrote:
> Currently, I have the status line displaying Vim's
> current working directory.
> I like having the cwd on the right side of the status line.
> I would like to align the cwd as far left to the separator
> as possible, so that it doesn't shift around when I navigate
> from column 1 to column 10, (likewise row 1 to row 10).
> I've tried many variations of the sprintf syntax, and can't get
> the current working directory not to shift around depending on the
> line # and col # that I'm on.
> Any ideas?
> function! MyStatusLine()
> let l:statline = '%=' "left/right separator
> let l:statline = l:statline . '%-20{" | " . fnamemodify(getcwd(),
> ":t") . " | "}'
> let l:statline = l:statline . '%l, %v of %L' "cursor line/total lines
> return l:statline
> endfunction
> " Status Line
> set laststatus=2
> set statusline=%!MyStatusLine()

It's been a while since I wrote this, so I don't remember off-hand
what all the format specifiers mean, but this 'statusline' looks
like the default 'statusline' with 'ruler' set and with the addition
of the name of the current function displayed at the right side of
the status line, just left of the line and column numbers. The
function name--the return value of TagName()--does not shift when
the line and column numbers change. You should be able to replace
TagName() with a function that returns the cwd and get the behavior
you want.

let &statusline='%<%f %(%h%m%r %)%=%{TagName()} %-15.15(%l,%c%V%)%P'


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