Friday, July 30, 2010

Re: Enter a directory automatically when opening files with gvim , possible ?

On 31/07/10 04:49, Aaron Lewis wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> I'm on KDE session , when single-clicking on files , it would execute
> gVim and open the file , but the problem is , gVIM doesn't change it's
> CWD by default.
> e.g on clicking on /Library/code/my.cpp , and !pwd command returns
> /home/my_USERNAME , and i want it to be /Library/code
> Many thanks !

Does the internal :pwd command return the same value as the external :!pwd ?

You might set 'autochdir' but that would _always_ set the current
directory to the directory of the current file, even when opened by :new
or :sview, and there are problems with that.

AFAICT, there is no specific autocommand to detect when a file is
dropped on the gvim icon, or edited by file association.

Best regards,
Sure he's sharp as a razor ... he's a two-dimensional pinhead!

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