Monday, November 1, 2010

Re: Digraphs displayed as funny characters

On 01/11/10 15:00, Tereno wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to figure how I can get digraphs (as well as unicode
> characters if possible) displayed properly. When I type :digraphs, I
> get the list of digraphs but I have question marks instead of funny
> symbols. I have both vim 7.3 and vim 7.2 on my system. Vim 7.2 seems
> to display everything fine (installed with apt) but vim 7.3 gives me
> question marks and weird symbols. Would anyone know how the digraphs
> work?
> Thanks!

Console Vim or gvim?

If gvim, it probably means your font doesn't have the glyphs for those
characters: see

If Console Vim, it could be _either_ the font (which is handled by the
terminal, Vim has no action on that), _or_ a misunderstanding between
Vim and the terminal about which charset (for which locale) to use for
reading and writing. If the former, try setting a different font if yout
terminal allows it. If the latter, and you change 'encoding' in your
vimrc, try saving the _old_ 'encoding' value in 'termencoding', e.g. as

if has('multi_byte') " if not, bypass the whole multibyte rigmarole
if &enc !~? '^u' " if not already Unicode
if &tenc == "" " avoid f*ing up kb & terminal communications
let &tenc = &enc
set enc=utf-8
set fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin1 " for example
" the following are optional
" they mean: create new files in Latin1 by default;
" create new Unicode files (if 'fileencoding' is manually set)
" with a BOM by default.
" warning: some fileypes (e.g. anything with #! in the first line)
" should not have a BOM (and, in most cases, be in US-ASCII so
" Latin1 should be OK for them).
setglobal fenc=latin1 bomb
echomsg 'Warning: this Vim version has no multibyte support'
" note: Vim versions with no expression evaluation (which usually
" also have no multibyte) will treat the whole if...else...endif
" block as a nestable comment (and give no message here).

see (and the help topics
mentioned there) for details about the above snippet.

Best regards,
" ... I told my doctor I got all the exercise I needed being a
pallbearer for all my friends who run and do exercises!"
-- Winston Churchill

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