Thursday, November 25, 2010

Re: How to change the 'E' behavior in visual mode

>     when I try to use 'E' to select several words, let's say for
> 'a/b/c: 123', the cursor now stops at 'a', and I wish to select
> 'a/b/c' in visual mode, ':' was also selected when I type 'E'. Am I
> missing anything? I take a glance at 'iskeyword', seems it was not
> talking about this.
>    Any comments?

'f' and 't' might work out better for you. If the cursor is at a, I
would do 'vfc', or 'vt:' to visually select a/b/c. Or, I would
directly yank them with 'yfc' or delete with 'dfc'.

See :help f

Anurag Priyam,
3rd Year Undergraduate,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
IIT Kharagpur.

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