Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Re: Change background colour to specific colour

On Dec 1, 9:12 am, "Christian Brabandt" <> wrote:
> On Wed, December 1, 2010 3:58 pm, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > I have been googling for a way to change the background colour of VIM
> > to a specific colour. For example, I'd like it to be #c6c0d7. Is there
> > no way to do such a thing? I only see references to using
> > already-configured colours in VIM.
> For the gui version, this is possible. See :h gui-colors
> So this should work:
> :hi Normal guibg=#c6c0d7
> For the terminal version, this depends on your terminal and vim has no
> control over those settings.

Although you don't have as much control with a color terminal, you can
still use this basic mechanism: e.g.,
:hi Normal ctermbg=blue
You can also use color numbers.

:help cterm-colors
:help xterm-color

Brett Stahlman

> regards,
> Christian

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