> Suppose that I have a collection of editing commands such as
> %g/pattern_a/
> %g/pattern_b/
> %g/pattern_c/
> ........................
> that find and list all the lines of a file that satisfy some patterns.
> After I visually inspect a given list of lines, I may want to delete them.
> I have thought to do this as follows:
> -- yank a list command into a register "ayy
> -- execute the command :@a"
> -- inspect the lines as they are listed
> Then if I'd now like to delete this set of lines, I'd like to append a d
> to the contents of register a changing it from a list to a delete command,
> and execute the command.
> So how do I _easily_ modify, edit, the contents of a register?
> I'd like something simpler than loading a list command into the clipboard
> via highlighting and ^C followed by :^V and if choosing to delete
> then :^Vd ???
I've done something like this in the past where I've modified my
buffer such as you have with
which leaves the buffer looking like
with leading colons and trailing "d" commands.
You can then yank that entire buffer's contents and execute it as
a macro:
or if you want to name it,
You can also modify registers by using the "@" notation:
:let @a='hello' . @a . 'world'
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