On Apr 30, 9:36 am, Tim Chase <
v...@tim.thechases.com> wrote:
> On 04/30/2011 10:39 AM, Bee wrote:
> > On Apr 29, 4:47 pm, "John Beckett"<
johnb.beck...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Tim Chase wrote:
> >>> let s=substitute(s, '\w\+', '\u\1', 'g')
> >> The above is intended to change each word in s, making the first
> >> letter uppercase and not changing the rest.
> >> The search pattern needs brackets, or the \1 should be replaced.
> >> The following works:
> >> let s=substitute(s, '\w\+', '\u&', 'g')
> > How would I pass the visual selection to a function with this
> > substitute?
> If you just want to do the replacement over the selected text,
> you can do the literal substitute:
> :'<,'>s/\%V\w\+\%V/\u&/g
> or, if your selection starts/ends in the middle of a word and you
> don't want to effect them, you can riff on
> :'<,'>s/\%V\<\w\+\>\%V/\u&/g
> adding/removing "\<" and "\>" as desired. Any of these can
> pretty easily be mapped, e.g.
> :vnoremap <f4> :s/\%V\w\+\%V/\u&/g<cr>
> If you want to take the selected text, pass it to this
> transforming function, and then assign it to a variable without
> altering the in-line text, you'll have to grab the selection
> either by yanking it to a register, or by using getline() or some
> such function (likely in a loop). That gets a bit messy if you
> don't yank it to a known register.
> -tim
> PS: yeah, John caught my "just a little change after I copy &
> paste" flub where I previously had used \(...\) to capture things
> and \1 referred to them. Sorry if it caused any confusion.
I already have the following which works great:
" Title Case A Line Or Selection
vnoremap <F6> :s/\%V\<\(\w\)\(\w*\)\>/\u\1\L\2/ge<cr>
But I would like to know how to do it in a "function" for the
educational value.
function! TitleCase()
let save = @r
normal! gv"rx
let @r = substitute(@r, '\(\w\)\(\w*\)', '\u\1\L\2', 'g')
normal! "rP`<
let @r = save
This also works, but seems too "messy".
Can it be simplified?
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