Monday, May 30, 2011

Re: Some questions about using VIM on MAC

I find one issue. I should start from mvim script. The GUIEnter is triggered successfully. However the error is still on the UI. Seems it's as expected as described in the script.

2011/5/31 wei gao <>

I tried MacVim and it works great for me. However, I have a problem. I need to execute a script when start MacVim. On windows, I'm using event GUIEnter. But, it seems not working for MacVim. And if I start MacVim from terminal, I always get this message:
2011-05-31 11:34:41.816 MacVim[52819:903] -[SUHost sharedFrameworksPath]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x103802920
2011-05-31 11:34:41.818 MacVim[52819:903] -[SUHost sharedFrameworksPath]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x103802920

Do you know this issue?

2011/5/31 Alessandro Antonello <>
Hi, Wei.

> Hi, All
> I'm using VIM 7.2 on MAC. And I have 2 questions:
> 1. Could I change mouse icon in normal mode and insert mode. By default, the
> mouse icon is the sam in both normal and insert mode which could be a litte
> confuse. Could we make it different as on Window.

In terminal or not? Did you mean the cursor icon? Are you using MacVim? I'm
using MacVim for a while and I have different cursors for normal and insert
mode. But just on GUI version. In the terminal version the cursor is always
the same.

> 2. Seems 'set autochdir' is not working on MAC's VIM 7.2. Any work around to
> make sure the working directory is changed we I switch between buffers. I
> think I need add a autocmd when BufferEnter happened.

You should give a try to MacVim 7.3. It should solve that issue too.


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