Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Re: Installing a word count plugin -- or recommendations of other plugins

Reply to message «Re: Installing a word count plugin -- or recommendations of
other plugins»,
sent 18:35:01 26 July 2011, Tuesday
by Arthur Lee:

You should not use :normal without a bang in a plugin (it may be the cause).
And you don't need any script-local variables here:
function WordCount()
let oldstatusmsg=v:statusmsg
execute "silent normal! g\<C-g>"
return +(split(v:statusmsg)[11])
let v:statusmsg=oldstatusmsg

Original message:
> function! WordCount()
> let s:old_status=v:statusmsg
> exe "silent normal g\<c-g>"
> let s:word_count=str2nr(split(v:statusmsg)[11])
> let v:statusmsg=s:old_status
> return s:word_count
> endfunction

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