Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Re: Assign the result of a COMMAND to a variable

Reply to message «Re: Assign the result of a COMMAND to a variable»,
sent 15:37:36 02 August 2011, Tuesday
by Axel Bender:

> Thanks for all your input! Used it to create a function that quits vi when
> the last buffer is closed (didn't find one that worked out of the box with
> my settings):
I would have constructed a solution using bufnr('$')+bufexists()+bufname('%'):

function QuitIfLast(wipe)
if a:wipe
if empty(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'bufexists(v:val) && '.
\ '!empty(bufname(v:val))'))

Avoid :redir if possible.

Original message:
> Thanks for all your input! Used it to create a function that quits vi when
> the last buffer is closed (didn't find one that worked out of the box with
> my settings):
> function! QuitIfLast(wipe)
> " Delete/wipe-out the current buffer
> if a:wipe == 1
> bwipeout!
> else
> bdelete
> endif
> " Check to see if there are more buffers around
> redir => l:ls
> silent ls
> redir END
> let l:files = split(l:ls, "\n")
> if len(l:files) == 1 && stridx(l:files[0], "\[No Name\]") != -1
> quit
> endif
> endfunction
> Greetings
> Axel

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