> I would like to capitalize the words, "Narrator (v.o.)" between the paragraph
> tags below:
> I need to keep the entire tag as shown. For example, other tags have a
> margin of 1in, and I don't want to capitalize between them.
> Another issue is the hard return after "Narrator". Some of the lines in my
> HTML file have no return such as the line below:
You seem to be referencing example HTML code blocks that didn't
appear in your message. Without any actual code, the best I can
do is suggest you use
to upper-case (gU) the "inner (contents of the) tag".
:help gU
:help it
If it's more complex than that, or you have batches of them to
do, it may be feasible to hack together some sort of :g command
to do them all in one pass, but would need example HTML for that.
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