Thursday, December 22, 2011

Re: condition in statusline, how ?

On 23/12/11 03:52, stardiviner wrote:
> I want to make a condition in statusline setting.
> for example: when fileformat is unix, show "unix" with black color in statusline, if fileformat is
> "dos", then show in statusline with *red* color.
> here is my statusline setting in my vimrc file:
> <code>
> " item form: %-0{minwid}.{maxwid}{item} --> minwid: min-width,
> " %4 width, %-4 padding on the right instead of the left. %= switch to right side.
> " %04l pad with zeros instead of spaces. like 0012.
> " %.20F change the maximum width. The path will be truncated if necessary:<hapters/17.markdown.
> " Require: fugitive, current-func-info,
> set statusline=\%#StatusSeparator#\|\%#StatusBufferNumber#\b\:%n\%#StatusSeparator#\|
> \\%#StatusReadOnly#\ \%r\ \%#StatusModFlag#\%m\ \%#StatusList#\%q
> \\ %=\ %<%-15(\%#StatusNormal#\%{&ff}\%#StatusChar#\X\%#StatusNormal#\%{&fenc}%)
> \\ \%#StatusChar#\X\ \%#StatusLineNumber#\%-(L:%l/%L\ C:%c%V%)\ \%#StatusPercent#\%P
> "" FIXME write this function.
> "function StatusLineFileFormat(ff)
> "if&ff == 'unix'
> "return a:ff
> "elseif&ff == 'dos'
> "return a:ff " show with red color in statusline.
> "endif
> "endfunction
> </code>
> I do not know vimscript language, so I do not know how to write upper StatusLineFIleFormat()
> function. :P

The problem is not easy.

You can display any expression on the statusline by entering between %{
and } in the 'statusline' code. Or you can set any rainbow of colours by
using either %#HighlightName# or (for User1 to User9) %1* to %9* or (to
return to StatusLine or StatusLineNC) %*, but all these come at the same
level as %{} and are thus not subject to expression evaluation.

Maybe include a distinct field for each possible 'fileformat', which
would resolve to the empty string if the file has a different
'fileformat', like this (showing only the relevant part of the ":set
statusline=..." statement) (all quotes are single quotes) (untested)

%1*%{&ff=='unix'?'[u*x]':''}%2*%{&ff=='dos'?'[dos]':''}%3*%{&ff\ !=\
'unix'\ &&\ &ff\ !=\ 'dos'?'['\ .\ &ff\ .\ ']':''}%*

and somewhere else (possibly in a custom colorscheme if you have one)

hi User1 ctermbg=black ctermfg=white guibg=black guifg=white
hi User2 ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=red guifg=white
hi User3 ctermbg=yellow ctermfg=red guibg=yellow guifg=red

which would display one of the following:

[u*x] (in white on black) if 'fileformat' is unix
[dos] (in white on red) if 'fileformat' is dos
or otherwise the 'fileformat' value between brackets (probably [mac]) in
red on yellow

without even the need for a function.

This of course assumes that you're not going to find yourself on a
monochrome terminal with only "black" "lightgrey" "darkgrey" and "white"
(but possibly in amber or green): for such a terminal you would need
term= highlight settings but it's been years (decades maybe) since I've
seen one in operation.

Best regards,
... so long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those
who wish to tyrranize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent,
and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious
and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men.
-- Voltarine de Cleyre

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