Hash: SHA1
On 26/01/2012 01:44, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
> Phil Dobbin wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 25/01/2012 21:41, Charles Campbell wrote:
>>> Phil Dobbin wrote:
>> [...]
>>>> As a follow up to this I've discovered the odd highlighting only
>>>> occurs when passing an argument to Vim i.e `vim .bashrc`
>>>> If I start Vim& then edit the same file all is OK.
>>> Well, I was thinking that perhaps your termtype database was incorrect,
>>> but that should affect :e .bashrc, too.
>>> So, what's the filetype?
>>> vim .bashrc
>>> :echo&ft
>>> Do files other than shell script files appear odd?
>>> Does
>>> vim -u NONE .bashrc
>>> :set nocp
>>> :syn on
>>> have odd highlighting?
>> Running the first instance the filetype returns `sh`.
>> In the second there's no odd highlighting when the commands are run.
> I'm afraid that I'm not certain what you're saying here -- does the
> third question, with "vim -u NONE .bashrc", have no odd highlighting?
> In that case, it seems likely that you've got a plugin problem or
> something odd with your .vimrc. Would you care to post your .vimrc?
> If its a plugin problem, may I suggest that you
> cd .vim
> mv plugin PLUGIN
> mv ftplugin FTPLUGIN
> and then move files, one at a time, from PLUGIN (or FTPLUGIN) to their
> corresponding lowercase directory and try "vim .bashrc", looking for
> odd highlighting. When it occurs, you'll at least know which
> plugin/ftplugin is involved.
>> The odd highlighting also occurs in text files, python& perl scripts.
>> It doesn't happen in helpfiles but I guess that's because Vim's already
>> running.
Sorry for the confusion. When using Vim -u NONE .bashrc there is no odd
I've moved the directories as suggested but there seems to be a conflict
somewhere between the two which makes for spotting the culprit somewhat
As luck would have it, I'm setting up a new VPS today so this will an
ideal opportunity as I'm adding the plugins to determine at which point
the problem occurs (the VPS is Debian Linux same as my desktop box where
the problem lies so I should hopefully find out what's causing it).
- --
This is the most entertaining bug report I have ever read...
and it actually DOES work. Where's the catch?! You must be insane...
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