Saturday, March 24, 2012

Re: No Syntax Highlight in bufdo When Buffers are Unvisited

> :bufdo %s/qux/corge/gc
> Now, if 'bar' contains the pattern 'qux', when the confirmation dialog
> pops, it will appear without syntax highlighting.

I suspect it is (mostly) expected, as documented at ":help
:bufdo" (and the help for ":argdo" as well), certain events are
ignored via the 'eventignore' setting, including the Syntax
command. The reasoning, as documented there is that it
"considerably speeds up editing each buffer".

I found a bug that was fixed in 6.2.326 where certain commands
for ":windo" manifest this behavior improperly. I believe the
existing behavior is correct for :bufdo and :argdo though seeing
the document with the /c flag might be an edge case worth


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