Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Use count as argument for a map

I have a bunch of numbers and for each of them I have to find all
occurrences in a file, that is: for the first number, find all lines
containing the number, for the second one the same, and so on. Since
this is repetitive process, I'd like to minimize the number of key I
have to type. I'm trying to get something like this to work:

345<F7> --> display all lines containing '345'

For a fixed number, this would be something like

nnoremap <F7> /\<345\><CR>[I

However I cannot see how could I pass the numeric argument to the
mapping. I've tried mapping keys to commands where I'm allowed to use
things like <count> or <args> and even functions, but I'm still
failing to find a solution. I'm aware that I'm trying to (ab)use a
*count* as an *argument* and that this is probably why there is no way
to achieve what I'm attempting, but you never know, therefore I'm
asking here.

For this specific task there are possibly alternative solutions, like
making a new buffer with all numbers that need to be looked up and
then running a script that would do the job. Anyway, I'd like to know
if the above is possible at all and how.

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