Friday, June 1, 2012

Re: caps lock

On 01/06/12 10:04, sinbad wrote:
> how to turn on/off the caps lock while in insert mode.
> i want to turn off the caps lock while leaving out of the insert mode.
> how can i do that. i googled first, didn't get any convincing answer.

AFAIK, CapsLock on/off status is handled by the keyboard driver
transparently to Vim. I don't think Vim can simulate that action.

You might build a lot of mappings, such as

inoremap a A
inoremap b B
inoremap c C
inoremap x X
inoremap y Y
inoremap z Z
inoremap A a
inoremap B b
inoremap Z z

but there would still be the question of determining when to turn them

Best regards,
Fine day to work off excess energy. Steal something heavy.

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