Thursday, August 30, 2012

Re: Colourising command line

I'm a professional programmer so that's entirely feasible, thank you for letting me know.

I haven't looked into how to accomplish the task, it would be a waste of effort were there an existing plugin. All I've done is search for such a plugin, found nothing, then consulted this mailing list as a final check.



On Wednesday, 29 August 2012 15:30:46 UTC+1, Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 7:57:31 AM UTC-5, N David Brown wrote:
> > Is anyone aware of a plugin which will colorise the Vim command line? I'm about to create one to facilitate regex composition and want to ensure it's necessary first.
> >
> > Sincere thanks,
> >
> > David
> I don't know of one. And I actually don't think it's possible. How were you planning on accomplishing it?
> It is almost certainly possible to do in the command-line window with normal syntax highlighting, but I doubt you'll be successful without modifying the Vim source to color the command-line itself.

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