Monday, September 3, 2012

Re: Vim for iPad

On Sep 3, 2012, at 12:23 PM, Andrew Long <> wrote:

> OK, sorry I can't be any more help (not that it was much in the first place!) Ayway, I have nothing more.

Oops. Sorry -- I think I actually was probably the one who was off-topic (the original discussion was about the Vim for iOS app, rather than about the stuff that I linked to). :}

I think the general consensus is that the control keys are tough on any version of Vim for iOS. This review is about the app in question:

A quote:

"I haven't figured out how to make arrow keys work when using a bluetooth keyboard, and I'm still baffled by how to type <Ctrl> and<Tab> on the iOS keyboard. [...] The escape key isn't mapped -- instead it's mapped to \. This is on the second symbol keyboard in iOS which is a little bit awkward to get to. One tip I read suggests remapping it using :imap al <Esc> -- this means the al keys have to be pressed simultaneously.

"I found the app worked fairly well with a bluetooth keyboard, but the escape key doesn't work with a physical keyboard either. I couldn't find a way to force it to work."

I should mention that I both am lazy (and thus have not actually tried this app myself yet) and would very much like to be able to use Vim on iOS. I use both constantly and being able to use them together, as Mr. O'Connor writes of, would be total awesomeness. :)


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