Thursday, November 1, 2012

Re: how use surround.vim

On Thu, 1 Nov 2012 11:00:38 +0800, 王军 wrote:
> Hi,everyone
> I use surround.vim.
> I want it can do like this:
> Old:
> GT_SI <=#`DELAY 0 ;
> New:
> begin
> GT_SI <=#`DELAY 0 ;
> End
> How can I do?
> Thank you !

After looking through the doc of surround plugin (surround.txt), I think
you might want to add the following line into your .vimrc:

let g:surround_45 = "begin \r End"

Then use ySS- to achive what you want.

See :help surround.txt for more details.


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