Saturday, February 2, 2013

Re: vim split window editing => separate window editing?

Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:
> On Sat, 2 Feb 2013, Marc Weber wrote:
>> Excerpts from Linda W's message of Sat Feb 02 20:11:33 +0100 2013:
>> a) making a copy is cheap
>> :enew then copy paste buf contents
If I change contents in one file, it doesn't update in the other.
I don't want to have to merge 'N' copies.

>> So why bother about such complex confusing setup you're talking about?
What would be confusing is trying to merge all those copies
you suggest I make.

> She just seems to want it as a separate window, instead of being
> crammed into the same Gvim application window.
Yep. Many applications have the ability to detach parts of the app...
> But, I don't suspect the request will be fulfilled. It'd be too
> complicated to implement in terminal Vim. And Gvim is structured such
> that there's a single top-level application window. I haven't looked,
> but I don't think there's a nice way to handle multiple detachable
> windows without rewriting (much/most of) the GUI code.
Really? I thought there was an ability to tear off menus at some point?
Or am I hallucinating that? ;-)

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