Monday, May 6, 2013

RE: Its about you - what about a github based wiki ? - demo ready

Christian Brabandt wrote:
> Well, there is wikipediafs¹, but this project seems dead and
> I couldn't convince it to either mount the nor
> vim.wikia. So I would say, it doesn't seem to be working currently.
> ¹)

I played with that a few years ago. I forget exactly what the
problems were, but it was not usable. I think the main issue was
that it was too easy to write to the wiki (if you do anything in
Vim which writes the file, it gets written to the wiki). You
really need to preview stuff because it is easy to mess up the
simplest markup system.

I also tried a couple of the "edit with Vim" schemes which
invoke Vim when a web browser opens an edit window. I found them
too klunky. Most of my wiki editing does occur in Vim, but I
prefer to just copy/paste between a running Vim and the browser
edit window.


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