Monday, September 9, 2013

Re: How to Use Vim with MSVC and msbuild? How the Developer Command Prompt Commands Can Be Use in Vim?

On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 11:58 PM, Mark Anthony Dungo <> wrote:
On Developer Command Prompt for VS2012 on (Microsoft) Windows, the commands "cl /EHsc filename.cpp" and "cl /clr basicclr.cpp" are used to compile a C++ program and a program that uses .NET classes. What can I do to make those commands compile a program in Vim?


This does not address your specific query, but if you have a python enabled Vim you can use:

visual_studio.vim : Vim and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET integration
Author: Michael Graz

I use this, when I use VS.  From Vim you can tell VS to do a build.  It will then open Vim's quickfix window with the compiler errors so you can quickly navigate to the code and make the appropriate changes.

There are mapping to get the current file in VS and open it in Vim (line and cursor preserved) and vise-versa.
Since I use VS for code completion, and Vim to edit, I am typically flipping back and forth between them, so these key mappings really help.


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