Monday, June 2, 2014

Re: Keep consistent vim environments across different platforms

Keep your .vimrc on github. Have all your plugins installed/managed via Vundle. Then all you need to have your personalized vim setup on any machine is to git clone your .vimrc and fire Vundle via BundleInstall to setup all your plugins.

On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 9:46 PM, DwigtArmyOfChampions <> wrote:
I have Vim installed on my work PC on a remote Linux server, and I have gVim installed on Windows on my work PC, and I have gVim installed on my home PC, and I have macvim on my laptop. I want all of these different instances of Vim to use the same environment and plugins and vimrc's. I want to set up a standard Vim environment so I can easily download everything to all my computers, and I also want to easily copy changes back up so I can make changes easily. What is an easy way to do this?

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