Thursday, June 12, 2014

Re: Sorting a List of Numbers

Christian wrote:

> On Di, 10 Jun 2014, Павлов Николай Александрович wrote:
> > How would you sort a heterogeneous list otherwise?
> Who says, lists are always heterogeneous? I think one could try to sort
> numerical, if all list items are of type number or float, else keep the
> existing sorting order.

It's just that when the sort() function was added the main purpose was
to sort text. From that the idea was added to turn anything into text
to be able to sort that too.

Obviously we would need to add another sort function, or a special
argument to the existing sort function, to have it convert everything to
a number and sort that. Text and other non-numbers would be used as
zero, just slightly better than reporting an error.

We already have the special case for the {func} argument to ignore case
when it's one. Could use the same flags as the :sort command has.

They now pass three KNIGHTS impaled to a tree. With their feet off the
ground, with one lance through the lot of them, they are skewered up
like a barbecue.
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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