On 03/08/14 05:11, Wis Macomson wrote:
> What I want is for external commands (":!") to run in the current
> directory. With "autochdir", that should be the directory where my file
> is, right?
> If I ":cwd", I get the expected current directory. If I "!!ls", I do
> not get the expected contents of the current directory, rather, the
> directory two levels up.
> This is a new machine, and I'm sure my _vimrc is the same as on previous
> machines. This on a Windoze 7 Pro machine and I'm running Cygwin. Are
> there some DOS environment variables, or some other behind the scenes
> setup that I need to configure?
> Thanks,
> -wis
'autochdir' does not always the way you expect, in particular with the
netrw plugin, which works better when that option is not set when it
opens new windows.
What I recommend is to :lcd to the directory you want current for the
current editfile and all its children, and leave it there. For instance,
when editing Vim source, something like:
:tabnew ~/.build/vim/vim74/vim/
:lcd %
:sv src
:!ls src " or :!ls %:h
:e feature.h
Best regards,
"As in 1925, creationists are not battling for religion. They have been
disowned by leading church men of all persuasions, for they debase
even more than they misconstrue science. They are a motley collection to
be sure, but their core of practical support lies with the evangelical
right, and creationism is a mere stalking horse or subsidiary issue in a
political program...The enemy is not fundamentalism; it is intolerance.
In this case, the intolerance is perverse since it masquerades under the
'liberal' rhetoric of 'equal time'."
[Stephen J Gould]
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Saturday, August 2, 2014
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