Thursday, September 18, 2014

Re: Parse an error log and go to the line indicated as being the error?

>Hi, I have a function that calls my make application and if
>compilation fails it brings up a new window at the top of the term
>with the log open in it. All works well but what I'd like to do is
>grab the line from the error message and go to that line in my code
>Here is an example of one such line:
>I:\ut99\XConsole\Classes\XConsole.uc(4230) : Error, Unexpected 'i'
>So in this example I would like to place the cursor at line 4230.
>I can't find much in the way googling for this but I imagine it's
>possible. Perhaps there's a way of setting a variable from the line
>number and then going to it?
>Any ideas greatly appreciated.


function BadLog()
let log = '/tmp/ucc.log'
edit `=log`
vimgrep /Error,/ %
let eline=system('grep Error, /tmp/ucc.log | cut -d\( -f2 | cut -d\) -f1')
normal zt
wincmd j
call cursor(eline, 0)


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