Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Re: Gvim shows wrong color for highlight group color names on Ubuntu 14.04

Am 2015-01-21 06:48, schrieb Jacky Liu:
> On Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 11:31:27 AM UTC+8, Jacky Liu wrote:
>> Freshly installed Ubuntu 14.04 then built gvim 7.4 on it, I just
>> discovered that the colors gvim picked were all wrong for the
>> predefined color names, like the name "Green",See below:
>> Here I did
>> :runtime syntax/colortest.vim
>> within Gvim, then sampled the color using Gcolor2. For the color name
>> "Green" I would expect the RGB value 0-255-0, but here I got 0-128-0.
>> Below is the correct color on my last Ubuntu 12.04:
>> It's not just green color got messed with, likewise is many other
>> colors.
>> I tried building gvim using the same source I used on 12.04, where the
>> color is right, but still no good.
>> I also checked /etc/X11/rgb.txt, it looks ok, neither did
>> :set background=dark
>> in gvim seems have any effect.
>> Recon my knowledge about the system level is very limited, please
>> help, thanks.
> Update: I did more research and found this relating document:
> It seems Gvim is using W3C colors now, instead of original X11 colors.
> The article also explains that W3C colors are also supported by new
> X11 releases, where I suspect my case resides as I was moving from
> Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04.
> I could find some workaround to make my VimL code work as before, as
> the color names clashing between the two standards aren't that many,
> but I still believe Gvim should stick to X11 while W3C could be best
> for browsers. As I can recall Gvim doesn't give a definitive list of
> what color names can be used & what their definitions are, so this
> could be an X11 issue. My knowledge hasn't been to the extent that
> allows me to inspect the source code of Vim, but I plan to do a step
> by step configuring before recompiling Vim to figure out what graphic
> libraries Gvim rely on, and probably how to fix the problem.

I can confirm the problem. Looks like colornames changed somewhat
those two versions. Does that happen with the motif gui or athena gui as
(check the vim-motif or vim-athena packages)?

If this happens there as well, it indicates a bug with the X Server,
else the bug is clearly in the gtk libraries (libgtk2.0-0).
I would then create a bug at either package and see if some developer
give more insight to the problem.

For any reason, the distributed rgb.txt file with Vim and also the one
is provided with the X Server do show the correct green value and do not
the X11/Web prefix names.

So explicitly trying the Web/X11 prefix does not work (returns invalid


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