Sunday, January 18, 2015

[viml help] getting the behavior of `helpgrep` quickfixlist

Hi group!
I'm working on a small "grep for manpages" plugin. Ideally, it whould mimic how vim's `helpgrep` functionality works.

Here's the helpgrep quick highlight to describe the wanted feature:
- a user enters `helpgrep some_pattern` in vim's command line. Vim performs search and populates quickfixlist
- it get's interesting here: when an item from this list is selected, vim does a window split to show content (window split is usually *not* done when opening QF item)
- whenever an item from *this* QF list is chosen, it is opened in *the same* `help` window
- it seems you can't have 2 or more windows displaying "content" from this QFlist

These QFlist features seem specific to helpgrep:
- doing a window split when opening first QFlist item
- always opening QFlist entries in the same window
- only 1 window for this QF list allowed

How can I get the same behavior for my plugin?
Are there some plugins out there that already have this implemented so I can look into them?

Any hint appreciated!

Thanks for the help

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