Thursday, March 26, 2015

Re: Bug with renderoptions

Am 2015-03-26 08:24, schrieb Christian Brabandt:
> Am 2015-03-26 08:08, schrieb Peter Vrabel:
>> On 20/03/2015 17:55, Jon Schoning wrote:
>>> On Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 3:06:09 PM UTC-6, Shiny Bling wrote:
>>>> FYI I just released 7.4.657 with Command-T plugin and ruby upgraded
>>>> to 2.2.1.
>>>> It can be downloaded from
>>> Thanks for doing these builds! Also really appreciate that now with
>>> DirectX enabled, the fonts look "much" better.
>> You are welcome! Bear in mind that the most gratitude should go to the
>> vim developers though ;)
>> I was myself surprised how much better fonts look with DirectX
>> enabled. I am using this font which looks amazing :
> Hm, I have never used the new renderoption. So I just tried it
> :set encoding=utf8
> :set guifont=Envy_Code_R:h11:cANSI
> :set rop=type:directx
> And suddenly, no text is rendered at all. I can make this go away
> typing blindly
> :set rop=
> (System Vim 7.4.662 from, Windows
> 7)
> Am I missing something here? Is this a bug?

I am suspecting, this is because I use some fonts, that I can't install
on my work station
(due to restricted access rights) and therefore I have to use
registerfonts (a small utility
that makes them available for the current session to load those fonts,
available here:
Because it works with the standard default fonts in Windows.


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