On 2015-05-26 09:04:39 +0000, Nicola said:
> On 2015-05-26 04:59:00 +0000, Nikolay Pavlov said:
>> Default value from &l:statusline is &g:statusline (actually,
>> pseudo-value "no value set, fall back to &g:statusline"). If you set
>> &g:statusline to `%!BuildNewStatusLine()` and run
>> `RefreshStatusLines()` inside then this function will be run only when
>> new window appears because `RefreshStatusLines()` will set
>> &l:statusline which will be used then and which will only call
>> BuildStatusLine, but not BuildNewStatusLine.
> Ok, I'm having some difficulty with this. Currently I have something
> like this in my .vimrc:
> func! WinNrFromID(window_id)
> return filter(range(1, winnr('$')), 'getwinvar(v:val,
> "custom_window_id") == ' . a:window_id)[0]
> endf
> func! BuildStatusLine(window_id)
> let nr = WinNrFromID(window_id)
> " Build the status line
> endf
> let g:window_id = 0 " Global unique id
> func! SetupLocalStatusLine()
> let g:window_id +=1
> let w:custom_window_id = g:window_id
> exec 'setlocal statusline=%!BuildStatusLine(' . w:custom_window_id . ')'
> endf
> set statusline=%!SetupLocalStatusLine()
> Problems:
> 1) How do I detect whether a window is the active one (I want different
> status lines
> for active and inactive windows)? I cannot use winnr() inside BuildStatusLine()
> or in the context of %!.
On a second thought, that's not true: I can use winnr() to get the
current window.
So, the real problem is:
> 2) When I open several windows and then I close them with <c-w>o, I get
> an out of bounds
> error in WinNrFromID(). Why? Is the function being called for
> closing/closed windows?
All works as expected (including <C-w><C-o>!) if I open windows with
:new, :vnew, etc...
But when I split a window, say with <C-w><C-s>, SetupLocalStatusLine()
is not called, which means that somehow the current &l:statusline is
re-used. The rest
is just a consequence of that. I have no idea how to fix this.
I have also noticed that when I split a window, BuildStatusLine() is
called three times, while
I'd expect it to be called twice (once per split window). Is that
expected behaviour?
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015
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