Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Re: Trouble using blockwise actions on visual selections in a function/command

Hi Josef!

On Mi, 02 Sep 2015, Josef Fortier wrote:

> An update (for any future googling)
> I was trying to do a command. The '> marks almost work correctly, but the results were inconsistent.
> My goal was to have a single command that could have an optional range. The command worked for a single line, or a range the first time, but after a range had been visually selected the function could no longer recognize the single line invocation. The complete fix appears to have several parts:
> 1) The command has -range flag. The missing piece for me, this sets some variables <line1> and <line2> which are the beginning and and of the range.
> 2) within the function I still need the '< mark.
> When their was a prior range, the '< mark will read 1 but the <line1> will not

Can you explain the problem in more detail? I don't have the old thread
around. Please be precise and explain exactly what you did, expect and

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