Thank you for responding.
I'm not sure how to read your example. Can you tell me what each part does please?
What I have been doing is 1) make a list of filenames and then 2) insert a vim command invoking a macro in front of each filename and then running the resulting file as a script. This single threads vi. Attempting to add an ampersand at the end of each line merely produces an error message and a stopped vi process.
I have made a script to gather filenames and run this command "vim -n $file -c " " -s /splitons.vim &" with a pause every 7 commands (lucky 7) to let the system catch up. It's working great now.
Can I ask for your comments on my solution please?
From: Ben Fritz <>
To: vim_use <>
Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2015 10:40 AM
Subject: Running vim in batch mode in background
How are you running the script?
I'd suggest something like:
vim -c "argdo source myscript.vim | update" *.file
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