Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Re: gF doesn't work with latest vim on Windows

On Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 4:55:45 PM UTC-6, andalou wrote:
> I'm using vim 7.4.1345 on Windows 7.
> If I have a file foobar.txt containing the line
> main.c:26
> and I do gF on it, I get:
> E447: Can't find file "main.c:26" in path
> It only works if I have
> main.c
> and do gf on it.
> foobar.txt is located on the same directory as main.c
> Many thanks in advance,

In Windows, the ':' character is included in 'isfname' so that you can use paths like "C:\Path\To\File.txt".

If you use ":set isfname-=:" you can use gF like you want but you may get surprises with some of the absolute paths like above.

As an alternative, use a different separator, like '|', in place of ':'.

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