Thursday, February 18, 2016

Re: How to get rounded bullet list character

On Feb 18, Mac Martine wrote:
>If you scroll down slightly in to the image showing an example of Vim notes, it has the round bullet points in fro of the list items:
>How do you create those?

In the example you gave, it was written in Markdown. If you're using Markdown,
it can either be written with a "*" or a "-" character. You'll only see the
bullet after it's been rendered as HTML, though, as in on that Github page.

If you want to type that literal character into a file in Vim, you could
define an abbreviation like the one below:

iabbrev *** •

Now every time you type three asterisks in insert mode, Vim will change it to
that bullet. You can change the asterisks to whatever you want.

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