Friday, April 15, 2016

Re: How to load the vim plugin manually?

Hi 汪伟斌!

On Fr, 15 Apr 2016, 汪伟斌 wrote:

> At 2016-04-14 16:45:06, "李哲" <> wrote:
> >Raise my question first: how to load a vim script manually? for example I can run a vim script by command line.
> >
> >I use the vim plugin named AutoComplPop(which vim file named acp.vim). It load automatic at the start of the vim.
> >
> >I found a acp.vim in the autoload folder, and I delete it. But a error popup `Unknown function: acp#enable`. So I could not delete it.
> >
> >I search for the topic `vim autoload management` and `vim prevent autoload script`
> >but I can't get the answer I want.
> >
> >So I come here for help.
> >
> In my opinion, there may be some file than have dependency on this file acp.vim, u may grep -r -e "acp" path/to/vim/plugin.Hope that this may help u.:D

You shouldn't just delete the file from the autoload folder. It is
probably being called from the plugin/acp.vim file.

However, if you really want to load the file manually, it should be
sufficient to let vim source the plugin file and then Vim usually finds
the autoload file itself and loads it if needed.

Wenn es Ende November schneit ist der Dezember nicht mehr weit.

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