Sunday, August 28, 2016

Re: managing dotfiles and plugins on remote server

On Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 3:41:31 PM UTC-4, mantas.simkunas wrote:
> > Well I modified and simplified my dotfiles in github.
> >
> >
> > It still doesn't work on the remote server but it works on my local computer.
> > I'm thinking maybe it's has something to do with the remote server.
> I would suggest you to try adding your vim plugins as submodules in your repository. This way you can simply clone your repository recursively and git will handle downloading your plugins for you automatically. That's how I manage my own dotfiles, here's a link for reference:
> To add a submodule, type the following from the root folder of your repository: git submodule add <repo url> <destination directory>
> To clone your repository (including submoules): git clone --recursive <repo_url> <destination directory> (note the --recursive flag)

After using submodules I received the same error messages. At this point though I think it's probably the server. Regardless, thanks mantas.simkunas and Christian for your helpful suggestions!

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