Friday, September 2, 2016

Re: How to do proper .mp file indentation

Hi tyk2271707491!

On Do, 01 Sep 2016, wrote:

> Hi all,
> I use vim to edit metapost file (.mp file), and get the .mp file
> indentation from the website:

That is a syntax file.

> However, sometimes it doesn't work, especially the "end" at the end
> of the file sometimes at the left bottom, sometimes at the right. So
> I am wondering how to do proper indentation. Would someone give me a
> pointer? Thanks.

The proper indent file is

You need to make sure to have `:filetype plugin inden on` in your .vimrc
to make it become active for mp files. However, it is certainly
possible, that it does not work perfectly for you. You might therefore
ask the maintainer of the file (see the top) if he can fix an issue you

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