Friday, September 2, 2016

Re: timer_stop from within callback fails

On Friday, September 2, 2016 at 4:21:02 PM UTC+2, Ni Va wrote:
> Hi,
> I'am starting a job and then starting a FunRef by timer_start in order to check when job is dead to to next job.
> It appears that timer_stop( from inside the callback Func is not working meanwhile it works when called from the main block code just after the timer_start.
> fu! g:jobsManager.SequencingCallBack(timer) "{{{
> " if self.GetCurrentJobStatus()=='dead'
> if 1
> echo "Sequence Handler stopped " . strftime("%T")
> call timer_stop(self.sequenceTimer) " THAT DOES NOT WORK :( :(
> endif
> endf"}}}
> fu! g:jobsManager.SequencingJobs() "{{{
> echo "Sequence Launched " . strftime("%T")
> " Launching Current Job
> call self.StartCurrentJob()
> " Launching Callback Function to check for next job
> let FuncRef = self.SequencingCallBack
> let self.sequenceTimer = timer_start(1000,FuncRef, {'repeat': 15})
> " call timer_stop(self.sequenceTimer) " THAT WORKS :( :(
> " echo self.GetCurrentJobHandle()
> " echo self.GetCurrentJobStatus()
> endfu
> "}}}
> Notice that self.sequenceTimer is just set/let from the SequencingJobs func that is a member of a g:jobManager dict/class and it is not initialized at instance.
> let g:BaseClass = {} "{{{
> fu! g:BaseClass.New(...) "{{{
> let newObj = copy(self)
> if a:0 && type(a:1) == type({})
> let newObj._attributes = deepcopy(a:1)
> endif
> if exists('*BaseClassProcess')
> let newObj._process = function('BaseClassProcess')
> else
> let newObj._process = function('s:_process_default')
> endif
> return newObj
> endfu
> "}}}
> fu! g:BaseClass.setMember(name,val) dict "{{{
> if !has_key(self, '_attributes')
> echomsg "Creating attributes dict"
> let self._attributes = {}
> endif
> let self._attributes[a:name] = a:val
> " echomsg "BaseClass::setMember: Adding attribute named ".a:name." with following content:".string(a:val)
> " echo a:val
> endfu
> "}}}
> fu! g:BaseClass.getMember(name) dict "{{{
> return get(get(self, '_attributes', {}), a:name)
> " return get(get(self, '_attributes', {}), ''.string(a:name))
> endfu
> "}}}
> fu! g:BaseClass.process() dict "{{{
> call self._process()
> endfu
> "}}}
> fu! s:_process_default() "{{{
> echomsg 'nothing to see here, define BaseClassProcess() to make me interesting'
> endfu
> "}}}
> "}}}
> let g:jobsManager = copy(g:BaseClass)
> Thanks for help

More simple example :

fu! MyHandler(timer) "{{{
if 1
echo "Sequence Handler stopped " . strftime("%T")
call timer_stop(g:sequenceTimer) " THAT DOES NOT WORK :( :(
let g:sequenceTimer = timer_start(1000,'MyHandler', {'repeat': 15})

Don't stop timer at first time execution

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