Thursday, September 15, 2016

Re: Trying to learn to Work with Text without using J,K,H,L and arrow keys

> I find it still difficult to go to next lines or browsing up or down through the text.
> Can any one please help me with efficient use of working with text without a usual j,k,h,l use?

You may want to move the cursor within the text, or scroll the text
itself, or both. There are means for doing each of these.

To move the cursor fast within the window in vertical direction
(without scrolling), there is e.g. L/H/M. And for smooth scrolling
there is Ctrl-E/Ctrl-Y. By means of mapping, one may combine
Ctrl-E with j, as well as Ctrl-Y with k, so that smooth scrolling
would not affect the relative position of the cursor within the
window, where possible.

I see no reason to disable hjkl. If you want to learn and use new
means of navigating, then do so -- how does hjkl interfere? Besides,
as others have pointed out, hjkl can be prefixed by counts, which is
very useful. If you disable or ignore hjkl, how would you move the
cursor ten lines up or down fast? Or how would you yank fast e.g.
five characters to the right of where the cursor is (i.e., do y5l)?

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