Thursday, September 15, 2016

Re: Trying to learn to Work with Text without using J,K,H,L and arrow keys

On Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 2:26:18 AM UTC-5, Boyko Bantchev wrote:
> > I find it still difficult to go to next lines or browsing up or down through the text.
> > Can any one please help me with efficient use of working with text without a usual j,k,h,l use?
> You may want to move the cursor within the text, or scroll the text
> itself, or both. There are means for doing each of these.
> To move the cursor fast within the window in vertical direction
> (without scrolling), there is e.g. L/H/M. And for smooth scrolling
> there is Ctrl-E/Ctrl-Y. By means of mapping, one may combine
> Ctrl-E with j, as well as Ctrl-Y with k, so that smooth scrolling
> would not affect the relative position of the cursor within the
> window, where possible.
> I see no reason to disable hjkl. If you want to learn and use new
> means of navigating, then do so -- how does hjkl interfere? Besides,
> as others have pointed out, hjkl can be prefixed by counts, which is
> very useful. If you disable or ignore hjkl, how would you move the
> cursor ten lines up or down fast? Or how would you yank fast e.g.
> five characters to the right of where the cursor is (i.e., do y5l)?

I think my comment about disabling hljk is not . I know, it is not recommended to disable an obvious capability. But In my case, I am just getting used to many other motion keys.

As I pointed out, I am beginner/intermediate level vim user. Still learning to get around things. I have already learned a lot from this forum. Thank you all for it.

Here are some of takeaways so far (for me).

- Use <number>jkhl,w,e,b,ge etc.
- Use relative numbers.
- Use easymotion plugin. (which is pretty awesome!)
- Use / for search. Start using marks for quick yanking/delete. (for example, to copy a block, mark at the start (ma). Go to end of the block, type y'a to copy, or d'a to delete.
- Use control+o in insert mode. (e.g. control+o+3j) etc

Please share any other tips/suggestions you may have. Thanks.

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