Thursday, November 17, 2016

Re: How to load updated syntax files using native packages?

On Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 8:39:39 AM UTC-8, Ben Fritz wrote:

> Vim *inserts* the package directories prior to the distributed runtime files. So it *should* find your package syntax files first.

> Posting your actual 'runtimepath' may help. Also see the output of the :scriptnames command after loading your python file to see which scripts got sourced and in which order.

Well, this is what I see (vim 8.0.0081)...

One syntax plugin where I can instantly tell if it's working, is this one, because it adds highlighting to Python's "self" keyword.

If I clone it as ~/.vim/pack/me/start/python-syntax and then start vim without a .vimrc, then I get this as the output for "set rtp":


It's definitely being appended, not inserted. And needless to say, it doesn't get seen.

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