Thursday, December 15, 2016

Re: someone is stealing my F11 key


under xterm, which also runs under kwin, kde, leap42.2, plasma5, gtk2 and...

anyway under xterm vim's F11 does just what I ask it to in my .vimrc

and I've looked and looked in konsole's settings so far to no avail

also in configure desktop

On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 3:39 PM, Tim Chase <> wrote:
On 2016-12-15 15:21, tooth pik wrote:
> now, in vim, in konsole, in kwin, in kde, in leap 42.2 when I press
> F11 the window
> maximizes and if I press it again it resets
> can someone by any chance here tell me which of the above suspects
> is stealing my
> F11 and how to make them stop?

I'd first check by running (non-g)vim in an alternate terminal
emulator such as xterm or rxvt instead of your konsole.  If that
works, then I'd point the finger at konsole.  If that doesn't work
(i.e., it still maximizes), you might have some system-wide setting in
KDE that does it.  I'd expect that, if that's the case, you have to
dig in KDE settings to disable it.  On my machine (non-g)vim in an
xterm/rxvt within fluxbox sees the <F11> as expected.

If it's in your konsole, you'd have to dig in your settings there; if
it's your KDE, you'd have to dig in those settings.


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