Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Re: Command-line Window crashing Vim after v8.0.0159

Matthew Desjardins wrote:

> > > After 8.0.159, opening the command-line window causes my Vim to crash.
> > > I've tried with using "-N -u NONE -U NONE", with both Windows 7 and
> > > Windows 10 Vim and Gvim, as well as with various Cygwin-compiled Vims,
> > > all of which crash when using the command-line window. Can someone
> > > help?
> >
> > Try 8.0.0160.
> No difference in 8.0.0160 (and 170).

Hmm, what exactly do you type?
Does it still happen without -N? If not, try renaming your .viminfo
file, maybe it contains something harmful.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
245. You use Real Audio to listen to a radio station from a distant
city rather than turn on your stereo system.

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