Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Re: Alt key mapping: "set " works in Normal/Command mode, but not in Insert mode

On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 3:48 PM, Jacky Liu <> wrote:
> My Vim version is 8.0.540 if it helps

What does ":verbose set timeoutlen" answer?

I recommend someting like the following settings:

if exists('+timeout')
" should a timeout be applied to keys and mappings?
" 'timeout' true=yes false=no
" 'ttimeout' (not used if 'timeout' is true) time out on key codes
" 'timeoutlen' timeout duration on mappings
" 'ttimeoutlen': timeout duration on keycodes
" (use 'timeoutlen') if negative)
" durations are in milliseconds
set timeout timeoutlen=5000 ttimeoutlen=250
" ttimeoutlen should be longer than the hardware cycle but shorter
than your fastest typing speed
" timeoutlen should be longer than your slowest typing speed

Best regards,

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