Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Re: Alt key mapping: "set " works in Normal/Command mode, but not in Insert mode

After a few tries I found something that looks a little bit strange to me: the Insert mode meta keymapping actually works, *only if* you set at least one mapping with the leading <Esc>.

Previously I tried my best to avoid mapping the <Esc> leading keys, although it works, because it would introduce ambiguity and get Vim stuck when <Esc> was pressed, but all the <M-...> mappings wouldn't work then, like they were all ignored.

Now I've found this:

inoremap <Esc>m <nop>

with this key mapping in place, suddenly, all my <M-..> mappings in Insert mode works!

But this mapping still introduces ambiguity to the Escape key, a dilemma ...

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