Thursday, October 5, 2017

Automatically insert a special character at the beginning of a sentence

Dear Vimers,

In French, some capital letters must be accentuated. For exemple, one must
write À and not A, especially when at the beginning of a sentence.

I could try to remember to hit "CTRL-k !A" in order to input that
character, but I'm always ending to forget that. So I go on the A, hit
z= and choose generally the first option which replaces A by À.

It's no big deal, but if vim could help me to automate this, I would be
very grateful.

So I'm imagining so kind of pesudo-code like this

if detect A at the beginning of a sentence (not a line)
replace A by À

But I don't know how to do it and where to put it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have a nice day,

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